Five Seconds of Terror:

For aerotow pilots, the first five seconds of the tow perhaps cause more grief and accidents than any other part of the flight.

Over the past 3 years, Mark ter Laak, Dean Schuback and the writer have experienced the joy of innumerable aerotow flights....[click "read more" to read the whole article]

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14th JULY Meeting at Tennis Cove.
1. The business on 14th July will be very short because we will show the 2009 video of the JOE NALL Giant fly-in at Woodruff, South Carolina that took place in May 09.
The Joe Nall event is only open to AMA & o/s equivalent pilots & their families. 810 registered pilots. See some incredible jet aerobatics & synchronised full size Cap & 110 inch Cap aerobatics. Five flight lines including 'row'
2. Congratulations to George Atkinson who has been asked by MAS to Chair a new Helicopter Technical sub committee.
Also watch for some new initiatives from Bob Carpenter of MAS re Instructing.
Brian Porman


Most of you will remember Simon Press, his wonderful aircraft and precision flying...well, he's surfaced a little way inland, and here's what he has to say:

"...I am now in Tamworth and we are developing our brand new field at Somerton, half way between Tamworth and Lake Keepit! Check out our website at If you head up this way to go soaring, we have ample room, good thermals, and a tug for up to 2400mm gliders!"

Thanks Simon - fantastic looking field!


This year a new style club badge has been issued. This badge is a once-off issue and you will be sent your engraved name sticker to be stuck onto the appropriate position on the badge above the date.

Please clean the badge before sticking your name sticker to it. From now on each year you rejoin the club you will be given a new date sticker to replace the old date sticker.

Please look after you badge as a replacement will cost you $30.

Ron Clark

Hon. Treasurer/Registrar

Mike Minty drew my attention to an extraordinary flight sequence from the tournament of champions. Below is the link to the RC Universe page and if you scroll down you will see the links to the videos. I watched the semi final freestyle routine by R J Gritter which had him pointing the aircraft nose down, reversing thrust before touching the ground and climbing - backwards - under full control. Sadly my latest (and, for the time being, late) biplane was not able to complete the latter part of this particular move...

Here's the link - be prepared to spend a few minutes, or hours, in awe!
