Important Message from the President of Aeromodellers NSW


Dear Clubs and members


It has taken some time to digest the presentation by Mr. Carl Bizon (Vice President of MAAA) that formed part of our monthly meeting on Friday the 14th August at our usual venue, Dooley’s Waterview Club in Silverwater.


The meeting was attended by 40 people representing clubs across NSW.

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Our Spring Scale Day, 2015, has been moved to Sunday 25th October to coincide with the MAAA national model flying day, which will be raising money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. We're hoping to have approval in time to make this a larger event, so that we can also do our bit to help with fund raising./ More information to follow.


It appears that Luskintyre has been postponed. If you were planning to go, I suggest checking with the organisers before you do. 

Given the amount of rain that the WRCS field has been taking, the runway really isn't suitable for large planes and warbirds (and a lot of foot traffic would do damge to the field and pits too), so there is a good chance that our scale day will be postponed again. Dave Pound will check the field about a week before the event but, for the moment, if you are planning to attend scale day on 28th, please check with Dave or one of the organisers beforehand rather than assume it will run.


The 2015 Biplane Day was held on Saturday 4th July, with the biplanes mixing it with the general flying most of the time, and a few minutes set aside, each hour, for some of the biplanes to have the air to themsleves.

9 biplane pilots were there, with 10 planes between them - perfect skies and hardly a breeze made for great flying conditions, and very few tricky moments. Ron Clark was flying his Beast - about 20cm span with built in stability control, but a handful to keep in sight! Col Buckley was flying his Nieuport, after it passed the heavy model inspection that morning. Doug Radford had his beautiful Tiger Moth and took 2nd place, Chris Jordan had a smaller Tiger Moth, Baz Campbell his Fokker VII, Tom Sparkes flew his Pitts and Stan Begg tore up the sky with his Ultimate for a well-deserved 3rd place, whilst Clive flew his ancient Panic Biplane.

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Just a reminder that the WRCS site has a basic level of public information that is visible to any visitor but, if you are a club member, you have a unique log-in that allows you access to the forums, marketplace, event reminders, member's articles, ramblings, details of discussions and decisions at club meetings (in the forums under club business) and much more. 

At the moment, I'm looking at the site and there are only 2 other club members logged in, but nearly everyone can make their computer log them in automatically (by clicking the "remember me" box on the right hand side when they log in once). At the moment, at least half the club members haven't ever logged into the site, which means that they are missing a lot of information.

If you are having trouble logging in, please contact Ronny. He has emailed everyone a few times recently, so is easy to find.
